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Looking for more information regarding red nose pitbulls? Or Thinking of buying one for your family? Well, look no further. Our comprehensive guide has got you covered with all the details regarding its health, diet, and grooming. Find out more below!

Red Nose Pitbull Overview

The pitbull breed has gained a lot of popularity in recent years including the Red Noise Pitbull. This is the reason why it is quite costly. People usually perceive these dogs as aggressive and harmful which is quite contrary to the truth. These dogs are quite loving and affectionate. It all depends on how you raise these dogs.

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Red Nose Pitbull

Red Nose Pitbull Features and Appearance

Size17-20 inches for females; 18-22 inches for males
Weight            35 to 65 pounds
IntelligenceHighly Intelligent
TemperamentAffectionate, loyal, and protective
Lifespan12-15 year
CoatThick and short
ColorBrown Red White Multi-colored Light-Brown
Easy to Train80%
Good With KidsYes, requires training
Good With Other AnimalsIf trained well
EnergeticHighly Energetic
Breed Old English terriers crossed with bulldogs.

Red Nose Pitbull Origin and History

Red Nose pitbull is not a separate breed but is a rare version of the very popular American Terrier Pitbull. This breed came into being when old English terriers were crossed with bulldogs.

Initially, these dogs were used in bullfighting. These dogs have a reputation for being aggressive and violent but it is not true. This all depends on how u upbring them.

Red Nose Pitbull

Particularly the red nose variant is imported from Ireland. They were first known as Old Family Dogs in the middle of the 1800s, and later as the Old Family Red Nose Strain. They are now referred to as OFRN of Ireland.

Pitbulls arrived in the United States in the mid-1900s with Irish immigrants. They were unluckily thrust into eye-popping fighting rings and other violent activities despite their loving disposition, which added to their bad reputation.

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Red Nose Pitbull Nature

  • They are very affectionate and gentle in nature
  • They are highly energetic
  • Need stimulation and exercise
  • Aggressive misconception
  • Interactive
  • Loyal
  • Family dogs (require some training)

Red Nose Pitbull Health Concerns

Red Nose Pitbulls are predisposed to some health concerns. We have highlighted them for you:

  • Joint problems
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Skin infection
  • Cataract
  • Eye infection
  • Congenital or acquired heart conditions
  • Overweight
  • Allergic reactions
  • Eye problems.

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Red Nose Pitbull Health Care

Taking good care of a Red Nose Pitbull requires understanding common health issues, understanding specialized nutrition and activity requirements, and keeping adequate grooming.

Red Nose Pitbull

We advise you the following for its health care:

  • Daily1 to 2 hours walks, running
  • Playtime: Training sessions or puzzle toys
  • Both indoor and outdoor activities
  • Behavior and Training
  • Aggression Training
  • Crate Training
  • Early and frequent socialization
  • Reinforce their loving disposition
  • They may experience separation anxiety if left alone for long

How to Feed a Red Nose Pitbull?

In order for your pitbull to grow healthily we advise you on the following diet:

  • 40% Protein
  • 40% Carbohydrates
  • 20% Fats
  • The diet should include chicken, lamb, fish, vegetables, brown rice, fish oils, flaxseed, and proper nutrients including calcium.

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Red Nose Pitbull Grooming

In order to groom your pitbull and maintain its health and overall look we suggest you the following:

  • Brushing every other day as brushing helps remove loose hair.
  • Regular Baths
  • Nails trimming is to be done monthly
  • Ears cleaning only if needed by a professional

Red Nose Pitbull Price?

When purchasing a red-nose pitbull puppy, make sure the breeder is reputable and conducts thorough research.

A reputable breeder will charge you more than $1,000 for the dog.

Before purchasing the puppy, perform extensive research if the price is less than that.

Due to their rarity, red-nose pitbull puppies are pricey.

Red Nose Pitbull interaction with kids and other pets

Red Nose Pitbulls make excellent family dogs and are well-known for getting along well with kids. Getting some experience with larger dogs or training one is usually a good idea before bringing a Red Nose Pitbull into your home.

It’s important to socialize your Red Nose Pitbull dog from a young age so they know what to do when they encounter unfamiliar environments.

They will learn from this that not everything in their environment poses a threat. Your dog will be the friendliest in your neighborhood if they have received proper socialization. Red Nose Pitbulls thrive in social environments and struggle with extended periods of loneliness.


Finally, despite their reputation as vicious and aggressive dogs, Red Nose Pitbulls are incredibly kind creatures. These dogs are kind, affectionate, and amiable when given the proper socialization and training. They get a lot of exercise and enjoy spending time with you. We hope this guide has helped you make clear whether or not the Red Nose Pitbull is the right choice for you or not.

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