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Thinking of buying a Dameranian dog? Or looking for a family-fit dog? Well, look no further because we have got you covered. Dameranian dogs are the perfect fit for your family. In this review, we have listed the complete information regarding Dameranian dog Health, food, and maintenance. Check out the details below!

Dameranian Overview

Dameranian is a mixed breed resulting from a cross between two popular dogs the Dachshund and Pomeranian. Dameranians may seem small in size but have quite a loud personality. They have been used to prey on rabbits and foxes but not now as much. Today we see them as more of a lap dog.

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Dameranian Dog Breed Information and Food

DameranianFeatures and Appearance

Life span12 to 16 years
Groomingbrushing 2-3 times per week
Size5-12 inches
Weight8-20 lbs
CoatDense wavy
ColorsWhite, black, brown, blue, grey, tan,red, cream,brindle
IntelligentHighly Intelligent
EnergeticHighly Energetic
Easy to train100%
TemperamentAffectionate, devoted, loyal, stubborn, intelligent, lively

Dameranian Origin and History

The history of Damaranian begins in the 15th century in Germany after which it gained popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries. Mix Breed animals usually don’t have a history of their own but they are known by their origin. Initially, these dogs were used as Badger Dogs in Germany.

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This dog resulted from a crossbreed between a dachshund and a pomeranian as discussed above. As a result, Dameranian exhibits both the qualities of its parents and is known as a small yet highly intelligent dog.

In the early 18th century in the US, this dog was used for hunting foxes and den animals but now as much.

Around 1950 this dog was then used as a lap dog and became a popular family pet which it does to date.

Dameranian Nature

These tiny pups are known for being sassy and having an attitude but they are extremely loving and tend to develop a strong bond with their owner only.

Due to this reason, they have a high chance of separation anxiety too. These dogs are very loyal and are quite social too.

Dameranian Dog Breed Information and Food

If these dogs are left alone they tend to develop anxiety which can come off as bad behavior. Another characteristic of Dameranian which it has inherited from its parents is barking but it can be easily removed with good training. 

Dameranian Health Concerns:

Mix Breed dogs are usually prone to diseases inherited from both parents.

The following are some health concerns for Dameranian dogs if not take proper care:

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Obesity
  • Glaucoma
  • Allergies
  • Cataracts
  • Epilepsy
  • Patellar Luxation

Dameranian Health Care:

The Dameranian is a fairly active dog. It is recommended that he gets ample exercise to ensure that he does not put on weight.  He may or may not be prone to wandering (depending on his parentage), but it would be wise to keep him on a leash unless you are in a fenced-in area. Taking care of this small buddy is quite easy.

The following healthcare tips are advised to you:

1. Exercise:

  • Short brisk walks for about 30 minutes each day or 9 miles per week.
  • Playtime: indoor and outdoor games (Fetch, Hide and Seek, Obstacle course, Tug of war).

2. Living Requirements:

  • Need a family around
  • Can easily live in apartments, homes with yards

3. Training:

They are easy to train thanks to their keen intelligence and willingness to learn

  • Leash Training
  • Potty Training
  • Basic Obedience Training
  • Walking with a leash training
  • Anxiety and phobia training
  • Advanced training

Note: All this training can be done easily as these dogs are quick to learn. Keep in mind to provide constant positive reinforcement while training.

How to Feed a Dameranian?

Dameranian is a small breed of dog, and high-quality dry food for petite dogs will be a great fit for them. Of course, in addition to kibble, you can switch it up with an occasional homemade meal, canned dog food, and other yummy treats. Just make sure not to go overboard with servings!

Feeding Dameranians can be a little tricky as they have a gene to become overweight. They have an inherent tendency to be a greedy eater. These dogs have major obesity issues.

Dameranian Dog Breed Information and Food

To prevent all of this we first recommend you to provide them with high-quality food preferably wet food.

  • Feed your dog 1.5 cups per day if it weighs about 3 pounds
  • Feed your dog 2.5 cups per day if it weighs about 5 pounds
  • Feed your dog 3.5 cups per day if it weighs about 7 pounds
  • Feed your dog 4.5 cups per day if it weighs about 9 pounds

Keep in mind that your dog should have its daily walk and exercise.

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Breed Recognition:

The following are Breed recognized Dameranian groups:

  • ACHC – American Canine Hybrid Club
  • DBR – Designer Breed Registry
  • DDKC – Designer Dogs Kennel Club
  • DRA – Dog Registry of America Inc.
  • IDCR – International Designer Canine Registry

Dameranian Grooming

  • Dameranian Grooming is quite easy as well.
  • We advise you the following when it comes to grooming:
  • Brushing: Brushing should be done at least 3 times a week
  • Trimming: Monthly trimming is a must and if possible to be done by a professional
  • Cleaning: Keep coat cleaning wipes if your dog does get dirty as baths are not recommended.
  • You can bathe them 1 or 2 times a year.
  • Trimming: Monthly nail trimming should be done by a professional
  • Ear cleaning: By a professional only in case very dirty

Note: Do keep proper brushes such as a pin brush to keep your dog’s coat tangle-free and silky. This keeps away matted fur.

Dameranian interaction with kids and other pets

Dameranians are family dogs but it is worth noting that it is not advised to keep them around young children as they may tease the dog or the dog might show bad behavior due to the kids not treating it well. Households with only well-mannered kids or older kids are advised to keep these dogs.

As far as its interaction with other pets we see that all animals require some sort of an introduction that is slow but dameranians are good with other pets.

Animals such as hamsters or other small animals are to be kept away as they consider them as prey and cause potential harm to them.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a dog to keep with you inside and in your lap or a cuddle buddy then a Dameranian dog is the best choice. Keeping in mind its lifestyle and maintenance above you can now easily make a choice about whether or not this dog is the perfect fit for your home environment or not. We recommend this dog 100%.

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