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Curious about Blue Nose Pitbull? Or are you planning to get one? In this article, we are going to discuss in detail where dogs come from and how we can take care of them. Are these dogs suitable for your lifestyle? Find out more in this complete guide!

Blue Nose Pitbull Overview

Blue Pose Pitbull is a unique and rare breed of pitbull. It is not a mixed breed but it is a result of a recessive gene. You can think of them as a rarer version of the more commonly known American pit bull terrier.

Blue Nose Pitbull Features and Appearance

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OriginUnited States
Life span10 – 14 years
Groomingbrushing 2-3 times per week
Size18 to 22 inches
Weight30 to 60 lbs
Coatshort, stiff hair and a glossy coat
ColorsBlue, blue and white
IntelligentHighly Intelligent
Easy to train100%
TemperamentLoyal, loving, intelligent, mild-mannered, easy to train, goofy, confident

Blue Nose Pitbull Origin and History

Originally this breed came into being as a result of a cross between Old English Terriers and Old English pitbulls. They were used for bull and bear baiting in England.

In 1835 this awful tradition came to an end and is now considered illegal both in the UK and the USA.

Earlier these dogs were used as hunters, herders, and even as guardians.

The amazing recessive gene that they have gives them their prominent blue color which adds to its beauty.

Blue Nose Pitbull Nature

Blue nose pit bulls are quite expressive as they bark, scream, and whine. They will give you a full display of emotions. They are quite gentle with children but in terms of other pets, one should socialize them from an early age as it may become a problem.

These dogs are extremely energetic and never get tired. It is important to give them appropriate training as they may come off as stubborn and doing their own.

These dogs are extremely loving and are great family pets. Those who say that these dogs are aggressive are quite wrong as these loving buddies make really good pets.

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Like other dogs who are loving and caring Blue Nose Pitbulls also tend to develop separation anxiety which causes bad behavior in them.

In the UK Pitbulls it’s completely banned but they are being used as nanny dogs and even emotional support animals.

However blue nose pitbulls are not recognised by the American Kennel Club.

These Dogs are quite easy to train and go really well with family members.

Blue Nose Pitbull Health Concerns

Blue nose pit bulls have some health concerns because they are genetically predisposed. We have highlighted them for you and advise you to take your dog to health care professionals every now and then:

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  • Skin allergies
  • Deafness
  • Allergies
  • Alopecia
  • Immune disorders
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Deafness
  • Ear Infection
  • Heart Disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)

Blue Nose Pitbull Health Care:

Blue Nose Pitbull health care can be a little challenging but once done right it becomes easy breezy. We have simplified this health care for you:

Exercise Requirements

  • Daily exercise including play, walking for 30 minutes to 1.5 hour
  • Engage in physical games to keep their muscular health
  • To balance their hormonal level daily exercise is a must
  • Games: Fetch, Tug of war.
Image Credit: Diego Thomazini, Shutterstock

Socialization and Training

  • Impulse Control Training
  • Critical Skill Training
  • Working on Release training
  • Crate Training
  • Early socialization is a key for these dogs as it helps them with interactions with other humans and accepting other animals too.

How to Feed a Blue Nose Pitbull?

Feeding your dog with the right diet is crucial. We have listed the important tips for you to feed your Blue Nose Pitbull:

  • Your dog needs 30 calories per Lb of its weight
  • 900-1800 calories daily
  • The diet should include protein, fiber, healthy fats, and nutrients with protein making 20%.
  • It is usually recommended to feed your dog 2 times a day
  • The quantity of food should be around  1.5 to 2.5 cups per day.

Blue Nose Pitbull Grooming

With blue nose pit bulls we do not see the hassle of coat but still, we have simplified its grooming routine for you:

  • Bathe: Once every six months
  • Brush: every other day
  • Grooming: doesn’t require much
  • Trimming nails: every month ( by professional)
  • Ear cleaning: Only if the ears are dirty and to be done by a professional.

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Blue Nose Pitbull interaction with kids and other pets:

Because of their friendly nature and love, Blue Nose Pitbulls are wonderful family pets. In actuality, they are really soft, which makes them ideal for interacting with children, especially small ones, despite their reputation.

Although Blue Nose Pitbulls are excellent companions for people, it’s important to remember that they don’t always get along with other pets in the house. If you want to add one to your house, you might want to consider this.

As long as you socialize them when they’re still a puppy, they shouldn’t have any issues getting along with other dogs as grownups.

Through training and socialization, Blue Nose Pitbulls can be made to become the perfect family dog by nurturing their natural behaviors and showing unwavering love and devotion to those whom they call their own.

Special Characteristics

  1. High Jumpers (3 to 4 feet)
  2. Not all dogs in this breed have a blue nose
  3. Emotional Sensitivity
  4. Pitbulls are not aggressive; they can be trained to become more social.


Pitbulls are family-friendly, affectionate canines despite their image of violent fighters. Similar to other American Pitbull breed variations, Blue Nose Pitbulls are extremely devoted to their owners and would relish nothing more than spending time with them.

Having one of these lovable pets is a duty that comes with happiness, difficulties, and legal issues. Equipped with knowledge and insight, both potential and existing owners may help these devoted friends grow into the finest versions of themselves, guaranteeing that a life spent with a Blue Nose Pitbull is one of constant love and respect for one another.

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